The following questions and answers are general in nature. For more detailed information please refer to the Welfare Summary Plan Description and Plan Document or contact the Administrative Office.
- How do I find out if I am eligible for benefits?
- How do I find out what plan(s) I am enrolled in?
- Do I need an identification card in order to access services? How do I get an identification card?
- How do I add/delete my dependents?
- How do I change the plan(s) I am enrolled in?
- What happens if I am denied services?
- What happens if I am laid off or fired from my job?
How do I find out if I am eligible for benefits?
You should call the Administrative Office to inquire if you are currently eligible for benefits. Initial eligibility is the first day of the month after you have worked a total of 400 hours, which have been contributed to the Fund by your employer. For each successive calendar quarter that your employer pays 400 or more hours, you will be eligible during the quarter beginning the second month following. i.e. January-February-March work months provide eligibility for May-June-July, etc. If your initial eligibility begins on the second or third month of an eligibility quarter, you may pay the Fund the hourly contribution rate set by the Trustees for the number of hours necessary to bring your account balance up to 300 hours for that one quarter. For additional information, contact the Administrative Office.How do I find out what plan(s) I am enrolled in?
You should call the Administrative Office to verify which plan(s) you are enrolled in.Do I need an identification card in order to access services? How do I get an identification card?
You will be provided an identification card, however, you may not need to provide it each time you obtain services. Some providers may ask you for your social security number in order to call the Administrative Office to verify your eligibility for services. If you do not have an identification card, you may contact the carrier directly, or you can call the Administrative Office to request that a card be sent to you.How do I add/delete my dependents?
New dependents should be added within 30 days of their becoming an eligible dependent. When a dependent is no longer eligible to be enrolled (overage, divorce) you should contact the Administrative Office immediately and request that the dependent(s) be deleted from your coverage. In either situation you will be asked to complete a Plan Selection/Change form.How do I change the plan(s) I am enrolled in?
You may change the plan you are enrolled in during Open Enrollment in December each year. The plan change will be effective February 1 of the following year.What happens if I am denied services?
If you are denied services from a participating provider you should contact the Administrative Office to determine why. If you are improperly denied service please refer to the Summary Plan Description for further information on how to file an appeal.What happens if I am laid off or fired from my job?
You should refer to the Summary Plan Description “Termination of Coverage” to determine when your eligibility for benefits will terminate. You may also call the Administrative Office. You will receive a Notice of your COBRA Continuation Rights which will explain how to continue your coverage. You will also receive a HIPAA Notice which confirms the period of creditable coverage under the Fund. In some cases you will receive a notice from the Administrative Office advising that you are eligible to self-pay hours to continue your eligibility.
Health benefits are available only if your employer participants in the Welfare program by paying the proper contributions. If you are in doubt as to whether contributions are being made on your behalf, check with your employer or the Administrative Office.